Regardless of whether we are shipping you one or one thousand cheesecakes, our shipping boxes are custom insulated to protect and keep our cheesecakes frozen, with the help of dry ice until they reach their final destination.

You choose the precise date of your delivery based upon shipping options you will see on our website, once you enter the details about where UPS is to deliver.

Absolutely! Any we'd love to have you visit. Our gorgeous bakery is fronted by our new Jubilations Coffeehouse where you can enjoy the very best coffees, beverages, breakfast, lunch and of course some pretty good desserts. Our address is 950 Highway 45 South in West Point, MS 39773. Click here for directions

Jubilations cheesecakes come in nine inch and seven inch varieties. Nine inch cheesecakes are pre-sliced into 16 slices and seven inch cheesecakes are available only unsliced, and serve 8 to 12.

Jubilations cheesecakes are sold only by the full cake online. But if you are able to visit our Jubilations Coffeehouse / 950 Highway 45 South / West Point, MS 39773, we will happily serve you a single slice.

Due to the delicate nature of our products, we aren't able to accept returns.

Church groups, school groups, ball teams, cheerleaders, and many other types of groups sell our cheesecakes to raise funds for their organization. They make a healthy profit by selling our cheesecakes, and we have the ability to deliver the cheesecakes to them so that they can take them to their purchasers. If you have interest in doing this with an organization with which you are involved, for more information view our fundraising section.

Our coffee is premium quality, from the top 2% of quality available in the world. Our Arabica beans (meaning they are raised in high altitude for best flavor) are imported from 13 different countries, but roasted only a day before we begin selling it. So it's also very fresh. We sell whole beans, but if you choose not to grind your own (we think you should), we will grind it for you before you buy. We sell the coffee in our coffeehouse and of course we ship it via UPS.

We offer sugar free cheesecakes in these flavors: Supreme, Chocolate, Lemon, and Strawberry.

We only ship in the US due to customs at our borders that can slow up the shipment of perishable foods.

Each of our cheesecakes are pictured and described in detail on our website, but that might not be good news for your indecision. We offer a lot of delicious choices!

Honestly, the ingredients and the recipes are the reason. Our founder, Tammy Craddock invented the entire process, and though it's secretive, it is even hard for us who know the secrets to explain how the cheesecakes are this good. People who don't even like cheesecakes tell us they like Jubilations.

We can't guarantee that you can, but contact us immediately at cheesecakes@jubilations.com or call us at 800-530-7808 and if we've not already shipped your order, we'll be glad to make changes for you.

There is no limit on what quantity you order, but if we don't have sufficient inventory to cover a large order you place, you can expect to hear from us immediately.

Our coffeehouse is open Monday-Friday 6AM-6PM and Saturday 7AM-2PM. Of course, our online store never closes (well, almost never).

We certainly do! Beginning with over 2 cheesecakes, discounting begins, even if you are shipping to multiple addresses. Biggest discounts are for quantities of 3, 6, or 12 depending on the size cheesecakes you order. Unless you are planning on ordering over 60 cheesecakes, the best pricing is available when you order 6 nine inch cheesecakes or 12 seven inch cheesecakes, shipped to one location.

You could earn a referral commission. Read our Referrals section for more information.

It's a simple as providing contact information for both yourself and your friend, family member or coworker who wants to fundraise. For details, check out our Referrals section.

Simply click on the “forgot my password” link next to the login button on the login screen.

Simply click on login at the top right of our home page, and click on CREATE AN ACCOUNT. You'll create your own login and password, and then you are all set.

We have over a hundred cheesecake recipes, so the answer is probably yes. If you've had one of our cheesecake flavors that you don't see on the website, contact us. We might have it or we will be happy to make it for you.

This is definitely a frequently asked question. The answer is no, kind of. We don't stock these because, since we use no preservatives, the flavors can transfer from one slice to the next. However, if you call or email us, we'll see if we can accommodate you with something done on the spot.